Veteran and Military Benefits
We proudly support our Veterans and Military personnelVeteran or Military students may qualify to receive educational benefits through the Veteran’s Administration. To learn more on Veterans and military benefits click the Learn More link or please contact us at (800) 332-7364 to speak with one of our admissions representatives.
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National Farmerworkers Jobs Program (NFJP)
nationally-directed, locally-administered program of services for migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their dependents.How do I qualify for this program?:
- You are US Citizen or a legal resident.
- You have done farm work in the last two years (for example, work with crops, Christmas trees, nursery, dairy, fishery, poultry or other related farm work).
- Your family income is at or below the Federal Poverty Level.
- If you are male and 18 years old or older, you are registered with the Selective Service.
To learn more about UMOS or NFJP programs, please contact us at (800) 332-7364 to speak with one of our admissions representatives.
Many of our students receive funding through state grant programs under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). Our Schools are Eligible Training Providers under the Workforce Investment Act in many states throughout the U.S. If you are a dislocated worker or are receiving any public assistance, you may be eligible for this type of funding.
Many of our students receive funding through either state or private Vocational Rehabilitation programs also known as Voc Rehab. If you are an injured worker or are currently in a rehabilitation program, you may be eligible for this type of funding.
Individuals who have lost their job due to foreign competition or trade may qualify for Trade Adjustment Act (TAA) funding.
Many of our Native American students receive funding through their tribal council or the Bureau of Indian Affairs. If you are a Native American, you may be eligible for this type of funding.
State/Federal Grants & Funding
The Diesel Truck Driver Training School is currently approved as an eligible training provider under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) in many states. This designation allows Diesel Truck Driver Training School to participate in WIA funding programs administered by each state’s Department of Workforce (DWD). These DWD agencies and WIA programs help fund students who attend Diesel Truck Driver Training School training programs.